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The gardening program focuses on teaching Black people the importance of growing our own food and being self sufficient. However, the garden not only teaches people to grow food, but also Black urban agriculture and the historic significance that agriculture has had and still currently has in Black culture. As a direct result of Black contributions to agriculture, Sankofa Village Community Garden will be developing the George Washington Carver "Peanut Butter" Farmhouse, which will be an intricate part of the garden's focus on eradicating food apartheid.  It is very important to the community that this garden actually functions as a COMMUNITY garden.

On a regular basis SVCG provides, " Food on the Fence", where fresh produce is provided to the garden's neighbors, as well as making sure that the community's seniors receives fresh produce on a regular basis.


SVCG's garden staff is intergenerational, with ages ranging from 5-70 years old. We also have a strong presence of Black men to mentor our youth to understand the importance of growing our own food and developing a strong food base.

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